What does nog mean?
The word nog is frequently used in Dutch, and can be quite perplexing for learners due to its versatility. At times, it can seem to possess a thousand meanings. Luckily, with a bit of context and some helpful examples the word's usage can be understood.
Let's delve into the different contexts in which nog is used:
Still / Yet
One of the primary meanings of nog is equivalent to "still" or "yet" in English. Observe these examples:
Ik ben nog niet klaar. ("I'm not ready yet.")
Zij woont hier nog steeds. ("She still lives here.")In these contexts, nog conveys the continuation of a state or action.
Again / Another
Nog can also refer to an additional amount or repetition of something. Examples include:
Kan ik nog een kopje koffie krijgen? ("Can I get another cup of coffee?")
Wil je het nog een keer proberen? ("Do you want to try it again?")More / Longer
In some situations, nog indicates an extension in quantity or duration. Here are some examples:
We hebben nog drie kilometer te gaan. ("We have three more kilometers to go.")
Wacht nog even! ("Wait a bit longer!")As of now / Up to now
This interpretation of nog refers to the continuation of a certain situation or condition up to the present time. For example:
Soon / In a short while
In some contexts, nog can denote something happening in the near future. See the example:

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Recently / Just before
Another nuanced use of nog is to emphasise the recentness or proximity of an event relative to another event or timeframe. In English, this can translate to phrases like "as recently as" or "just." Here are a few examples to demonstrate this use:
Hij is daar een week geleden nog gezien. ("He's been seen there as recently as a week ago.")
Ze belde nog net voordat de vergadering begon. ("She called just before the meeting started.")In these examples, nog serves to emphasize the closeness or unexpectedness of the timing of the events in relation to the timeframe being discussed.
Understanding nog can be tricky, and requires paying attention to the context of its usage. By familiarising yourself with these contexts and regularly practicing with real-life Dutch content, the word will become less daunting and its meaning more intuitive over time.